
From Our Blog

The story behind “THE BOX”

By: Brian Burney

“The Box”

You never know when or where a good idea will be hiding.  Around a month ago we were sitting in a meeting to review production orders.  We were working on process improvement using the computer, roundtable style interactions, and props.  When we have challenges I like to ensure that the issue is fully understood and broadly debated until the solution is obvious. 

In this meeting we needed to solve how to ensure that operators manuals and parts list get noticed when machine crates arrive at a customer’s facility. 

Sitting next to Tommy Carter, Oliver Production Manager, he leaned in, pen in hand and wrote something on my plain white box.  Honestly, I was wondering what he’d written, Tommy’s been known to be a little bit of a ham.  So, during the meeting I ignored his writing. 

Anyway, the team discussed further and deeper the means which documents are created handled, managed, administered and controlled between the time something’s ordered and order shipment.  I was impressed with the level of thought and consideration for the human element. 

Toward the end of the meeting I worked up the bravery to look at what Tommy had written.  There plain as day was “THE BOX”.  My mind was awakened to the fact that we could use this box and fill it with important information with a bend toward human experiences. 

The box above is what an Oliver customer will receive when they buy a piece of equipment. All important documents will be shipped in the box!   Have you received your box yet?